Monday, July 9, 2012

After the ACA Ruling: Next Urgent Steps for Cardiologists

After the ACA Ruling: Next Urgent Steps for Cardiologists

Medscape: What was the reaction from the ACC to the Supreme Court ruling on the ACA?
Dr. Zoghbi: We are pleased with the ruling, particularly from the angle that we are not setting back the clock on healthcare reform. However, we have a lot of work ahead. All the stakeholders -- professional societies, payers, healthcare professionals, hospitals, device and pharmaceutical companies -- have to work together to develop a sustainable healthcare system. The ACA doesn't necessarily give us all the solutions. It is a step in the right direction that would need adjustment and refinement. We need to work on payment reform that rewards quality rather than volume, with the ultimate goal of having a sustainable system that provides win-win situations and aligns incentives of all involved, eliminating waste and rewarding quality and value. I think you won't see too many people disagreeing with that. Where I see the need to focus is spreading the message that we need to work together; we cannot target one or the other segment of the stakeholders involved in healthcare.
Medscape: What are the ACC's specific goals in the coming year in regard to the ACA? What is particularly important to focus on?
Dr. Zoghbi: The immediate urgent matter, which Congress keeps kicking down the line, is the flawed sustainable growth rate (SGR) formula. It is not part of the ACA directly, but it will impact it. The growth of the debt is always in the background and it gets worse and worse over time. We need a solution, paired with good payment reform, that would emphasize quality, integration of care, and, importantly, elimination of waste. Administrative costs and hassles to provide care have to decrease significantly.

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