Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Broken healthcare and broken lives - DFA's Alex Blum

Broken healthcare and broken lives - latimes.com:

In the middle of one night during my training at a county hospital outside of Los Angeles, a 12-year-old boy arrived at the emergency room. He was having a seizure. From a brain scan, we made the terrible diagnosis: He had suffered a massive stroke. At best, he would be severely disabled for the rest of his life.

When I sat down with his mother to tell her the bad news, she told me that he had been a happy, healthy child through most of grade school. But there had been one other trip to the hospital. When he was 7, he'd had a stroke from which he recovered quickly and completely. His mother had been instructed to take him to a specialist to find out what was wrong so he would not have another stroke. But she was the family's sole provider and simply could not afford the expensive out-of-pocket bills.

At first I was shocked and angry to learn she ignored a physician's advice that could have prevented this tragedy. I quickly realized, though, that the true culprit was our broken healthcare system. Because this system denies millions of Americans access to care, my patient's mother was forced to take a gamble on her child's health. The result was a debilitating stroke that should have been prevented.

Until the system changes, health catastrophes like this will continue to be commonplace in America. Until we reform the system, Americans will continue to be forced to choose between feeding their families and taking them to the doctor.

From Doctors for America's Alex Blum...

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