Monday, September 28, 2009

Altmire on Public Option

This is from Firedoglake

List of Blue Dogs who have expressed support for a public option (with Nate Silver's estimate of district support/opposition in parenthesis):

1. Jason Altmire: (35-53)

Signed HCAN principles

July 17: Voted 'no' as a member of the Health & Labor Committee against 3200 because of wealth surtax.

September 11: 'I - I'm speaking for myself, I think that the public option may, if it's done correctly may be a part of the package and could play a role. As Congresswoman Woolsey described, it would have to airtight, completely self-sustaining, not funded through taxpayer subsidies, and have to meet all the same insurance regulations. So, I don't think that is the sticking point for the Blue Dogs and the moderate members. I think what we are most concerned about is we have to do this in a fiscally responsible way.'

September 22: 'Altmire's chief complaint about his own chamber's bill was the inclusion of a surtax on the wealthy. But he said he didn't expect that provision to make it through, and he signaled that excluding it would allow him to vote for the final bill.'

It looks like we in Western PA have some work to do in getting Altmire's district turned around. Those are abysmal numbers of support for the Public Option.

Sounds like a job for Doctors for America.

If you would like a doctor to come speak in Mr. Altmire's district, please let me know and I will do it or find someone who will!

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1 comment:

Tom Degan said...

Here an excerpt from an open letter to the American people written recently by my brother, Jeff:

“In the US, you pay more, get less, and die younger than we do in Europe. What part of that don’t you understand?

“My fellow Americans, you have nothing to fear except those who would use fear to keep you enslaved to the myth of the might of the American health care system.”

Jeff Degan

What can I tell you, the guy is a communist. Not only does he live in France, he actually likes it there! Go figure.

Tom Degan
Goshen, NY