Friday, July 31, 2009

Please Cut the Crap!: Deconstructing the Right Wing Lies on the Health Insurance Bill#more#more

Please Cut the Crap!: Deconstructing the Right Wing Lies on the Health Insurance Bill#more#more:

The right's lies about the current health insurance proposals before Congress have rarely been compiled in such concise form before.

What follows is an article from the Right Wing blog ChronWatch:

Page After Page of Reasons to Hate ObamaCare
By Alan Caruba

The problem is, there's something missing, such as context. See, the writer is expecting the reader to take everything as gospel, and agree that it's bad, without any sort of explanation. It's a list of all of the things that are wrong with the current state of the health care reform bill before Congress. If you'd like to follow along, feel free to click here to go to the bill itself. In fact, I would encourage you to look at it for yourself; it's an easy way to learn what's actually in it, without having to read through all of the legalese.

We're not called Please Cut the Crap for no reason. Below each item the right wing assures readers we're supposed to hate, I've inserted context, and explained why you really shouldn't hate it. Unless you should. All of my responses are italicized and printed in red, so that you can tell whose words are whose.

I'll warn you, this is a long one, but it's an important one, so get a glass of tea, print this out, and read it to everyone who spews one of these talking points, because this really does touch on pretty much all of the right's talking points. And now you'll be able to refute them. Isn't that cool?"

Follow the link to read it all.

A friend sent me this email from a right wing relative, and it was just too full of crap to spend the time debunking, but fortunately the good people at "Please Cut the Crap" did it for me!

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1 comment:

Terra Sears said...

I just want to take a minute to say thank you... We need more people showing the stupidity of these arguments that are designed to mislead American's people into believing that health care is a bad thing for us, and that the private companies have our best interests at heart, not the money they make from us... *sigh

Good Job