Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Health Affairs - 2 articles on the cost of private insurers to the system

Two articles from Health Affairs regarding the cost of Private Health Insurers, for profit and not for profit, to physicians' practices, bottom lines, time and aggravation.

Peering Into The Black Box: Billing And Insurance Activities In A Medical Group -- Sakowski et al. 28 (4): w544 -- Health Affairs:

"Billing and insurance–related functions have been reported to consume 14 percent of medical group revenue, but little is known about the costs associated with performing specific activities. We conducted semistructured interviews, observed work flows, analyzed department budgets, and surveyed clinicians to evaluate these activities at a large multispecialty medical group. We identified 0.67 nonclinical full-time-equivalent (FTE) staff working on billing and insurance functions per FTE physician. In addition, clinicians spent more than thirty-five minutes per day performing these tasks. The cost to medical groups, including clinicians’ time, was at least $85,276 per FTE physician (10 percent of revenue)."

What Does It Cost Physician Practices To Interact With Health Insurance Plans? -- Casalino et al. 28 (4): w533 -- Health Affairs: "Physicians have long expressed dissatisfaction with the time they and their staffs spend interacting with health plans. However, little information exists about the extent of these interactions. We conducted a national survey on this subject of physicians and practice administrators. Physicians reported spending three hours weekly interacting with plans; nursing and clerical staff spent much larger amounts of time. When time is converted to dollars, we estimate that the national time cost to practices of interactions with plans is at least $23 billion to $31 billion each year."

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