Monday, July 13, 2009

Medicare's 'No' on Virtual Colonoscopy Stirs Expert Debate -

Medicare's 'No' on Virtual Colonoscopy Stirs Expert Debate -

Just a marker for when the topic comes up. basically Medicare, for the first time, has indicated that the evidence for virtual colonoscopy is not yet adequate to warrant reimbursement at this time. This will be reconsidered if new evidence accumulates.

It's worth saying that this is how medicine should work, but it has become a favorite
piece of evidence for Sen. Tom Coburn that the world of American Medical Paradise is coming to a totalitarian halt.

Researchers do studies to evaluate treatments, medications, etc., and when a significant amount of evidence accumulates, the treatment enters general use.

Sad part is, this works exceptionally well when procedures are involved because of the fee basis for physician reimbursement and the lopsided reimbursement that hospitals and surgery centers receive for procedures.

It doesn't work so well getting new methods of medically managing patients out into standard practice. This is what Comparative Effectiveness Research should help. Finding out wht works and what doesn't and developing new standards and ways for physicians to implement them to the bedside or office.

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