Monday, May 25, 2009

Why is single-payer health care off the table? --

Why is single-payer health care off the table? --

"As an advocate for the Pennsylvania Council of Churches, I am charged to advocate on behalf of a single-payer system -- a system I support personally, as well. The council has taken this position because it is the only system that meets all the criteria outlined in our health-care position statement: health care that is universal, continuous, affordable to individuals, families, and for society, and able to enhance health and well-being by promoting access to high-quality care. Despite polling data that consistently shows more than 50 percent support for a national plan or at least coverage for emergencies, we continue to see this option shunned.

"Now, even the prospect of a public option is disappearing before our eyes. How many more people must die, suffer permanent damage because a system has failed them, lose their homes or be driven into bankruptcy before our elected officials will reject complicity in a system that lines the pockets of the few to the pain and detriment of the many? "

[The Rev. Sandra L. Strauss is director of public advocacy for the Pennsylvania Council of Churches, with offices in Harrisburg.]

And the PA Council of Churhes weighs in via an op-ed in the Allentown Morning Call.

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