Friday, August 29, 2008

Physicians, health, burnout | Salon

Physicians, health, burnout Salon:

"I'm tired. Really tired. I've been seeing patients continuously -- one every 15 minutes -- for five and sometimes six days a week. The pace is nothing new for me or most primary care doctors. But lately it all feels like a game of Jenga, with patients stacked on top of one another like wooden blocks, ready to come tumbling down."

I'm posting this, not so much for the article itself (about physician burnout), but for the responses/letters. To all doctors, read the letters by clicking "Editor's Choice" first, so you don't get too angry or depressed. Then read all the letters.

I just found it very interesting both the animosity and admiration physicians generate among the public. And another common thread is that the public seems to understand that we, too, are entrapped in a lousy system -- but also wonder, then, why we aren't getting the AMA to finally back serious reform.


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