Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Most Republicans Think the U.S. Health Care System is the Best in the World. Democrats Disagree. - March 20, 2008 -2008 Releases - Press Releases - Harvard School of Public Health

Most Republicans Think the U.S. Health Care System is the Best in the World. Democrats Disagree. - March 20, 2008 -2008 Releases - Press Releases - Harvard School of Public Health:

"A recent survey by the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) and Harris Interactive, as part of their ongoing series, Debating Health: Election 2008, finds that Americans are generally split on the issue of whether the United States has the best health care system in the world (45% believe the U.S. has the best system; 39% believe other countries have better systems; 15% don't know or refused to answer) and that there is a significant divide along party lines. Nearly seven-in-ten Republicans (68%) believe the U.S. health care system is the best in the world, compared to just three in ten (32%) Democrats and four in ten (40%) Independents who feel the same way."

The survey results are here.

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