Sunday, August 18, 2013

The Affordable Care Act And People With Disabilities - Forbes


“ACA changes the world for persons with disabilities and funds who will now have a choice between public or private health insurance. For significant financial as well as health reasons, we believe that private health insurance, not Medicaid, will be soup d’jour for the vast majority of (Special Needs Trusts) SNT clients. We cannot know for certain, but I would not be surprised to see persons with disabilities leaving public health insurance (Medicaid) for the private market in January, 2012.

The most obvious and most significant health industry reform important to our SNT clients is the elimination of pre‐existing conditions as a bar to purchasing private health insurance. However, ACA also eliminates annual or lifetime caps, rescission of insurance policies, non‐renewability, and higher premium costs for persons with pre‐existing conditions. For individuals with significant medical problems, elimination of cost‐containment ceilings is just as important as access to the door of private medical care. It is not unusual to see clients who have maxed out their lifetime cap and are now seeking public health insurance.

Why would clients opt to pay for private health insurance rather than “free” Medicaid? The two major reasons are first, securing health insurance without a payback on death and second, access to significantly better medical care…

Change makes most of us uncomfortable, but change is a constant in our lives. This is one time when special needs attorneys can both lament the negative impact of national legislation on our personal financial well‐being, but rejoice in the concomitant good fortune of our clients with disabilities who can now join the private health insurance market with the rest of us as equal citizens with their dignity intact.”

The Affordable Care Act And People With Disabilities - Forbes

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