Saturday, August 10, 2013

How a secretive panel uses data that distorts doctors’ pay - The Washington Post

An “expose” on the RUC and physician payment structure. Follow the tag for “RUC” at the bottom to learn more, and “Physician Income” to learn more about what a fair income is, and “IPAB” for a potential solution…

So how much does a physician make on a basic colonoscopy?

A good place to look is Pennsylvania, where the state tracks medical procedures and the profits of the doctor-owned surgery centers.

Even in an otherwise down-at-the-heels former coal town, the procedure can be big business.

At Schuylkill Endoscopy, located in a tidy green building behind the McDonald’s in Pottsville, Pa., three doctors performed thousands of colonoscopies in 2011, taking in more than $700,000, along with hundreds of thousands more for other similar procedures. On top of those physician fees, the endoscopy clinic, which is owned by two of the physicians and a management company, took in $1.5 million in operating profits in 2011, according to state records.

“I am very comfortable — very grateful,” said one of the owner-doctors, Amrit Narula, who lives in a modern-style, 5,000-square-foot house atop a ridge here.

Like other doctors interviewed for the story, Narula noted that he has no role in setting the Medicare value. He does not lobby Medicare and has never filled out one of the RUC surveys. He agreed that the time estimates in his field sound exaggerated.

By itself, the professional fee for a colonoscopy makes him about $260 an hour after his expenses. (That’s a figure that’s based on the clinics’ mix of patients and the Medicare assumptions about overhead.)

Is that too much? In the past, the loudest criticism of the point system has come from primary care physicians who think their work has been undervalued.

The median salary for a gastroenterologist was $481,000 in 2011, according to data from the Medical Group Management Association. By contrast, the median salary for a pediatrician was $204,000 and that of a general internal medicine doctor was $216,000. Those kinds of disparities are leading medical students away from primary care, critics say.

“I didn’t know they got that many RVUs [points] for a colonoscopy — that’s kind of amazing,” said Cynthia Lubinsky, a family practitioner in the next county over from Narula. “Do I believe that the payment system is fair? I would have to say no.”

How a secretive panel uses data that distorts doctors’ pay - The Washington Post

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