Sunday, September 25, 2011

How Do You Say ‘Economic Security’? -

How Do You Say ‘Economic Security’? -

"In 1934, the government was us. We had shared circumstances, shared risks and shared obligations. Today the government is the other — not an institution for the achievement of our common goals, but an alien presence that stands between us and the realization of individual ambitions. Programs of social insurance have become “entitlements,” a word apparently meant to signify not a collectively provided and cherished basis for family-income security, but a sinister threat to our national well-being.

"Over the last 50 years we seem to have lost the words — and with them the ideas — to frame our situation appropriately. "

I firmly believe that one of our major problems today is that conservatives view our government, the one established in our Constitution by the people, for the people, to provide for the General Welfare, is "them," while liberals view it as "us," and thus we must take responsibility for making it better, rather than just tearing it down.

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