Monday, April 27, 2009

Congressional Health Care Caucus

Congressional Health Care Caucus

I found this website, apparently the nexus of pushing back on Democratic attempts at halth care reform.

It is fairly lame, in my estimation, largely reminding readers how horrible the rest of the world has it and how the free market and charity care can still fix it all, in spite of a half-century of evidence to the contrary. You know, let private health insurance CEOs and bureaucrats do whatever they choose so that we can be protected from government bureaucrats.

Anyway, one of the things that I always hear from conservatives, and is found in a primer written by Congressman Michael Burgess, MD, is that medical innovation will come to a screeching halt if we get universal health care. He points out that 22 of the past 25 Nobel Laureates in Medicine were Americans.

So, I checked it out on Wikipedia, and I will admit I only checked out the most recent 10 or so, but would you be shocked to learn they all worked at Universities or large, well-funded, non-profit foundations (like the Howard Hughes Insitute)? Me neither.

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