Friday, April 24, 2009

Charles Krauthammer - Obama: The Grand Strategy

Charles Krauthammer - Obama: The Grand Strategy:

"It is estimated that a third to a half of one's lifetime health costs are consumed in the last six months of life. Accordingly, Britain's National Health Service can deny treatments it deems not cost-effective -- and if you're old and infirm, the cost-effectiveness of treating you plummets. In Canada, they ration by queuing. You can wait forever for so-called elective procedures like hip replacements."

And we ration by income, employment circumstances, insurance company whim, or genetic lottery (i.e., pre-existing conditions).

Imagine if Canada or Britain pulled 1/6 to 1/3 of their population out of the queues for these reasons. Do you expect their waiting times would be as long?

And it is also worth pointing out that the OECD has looked at waiting times and we are not alone among countries in having no significant waiting times. We are the only one of them that rations as I've pointed out.

So, just say it straight up: If we let the less fortunate into the system it'll ruin things for the "good people."

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