Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Blog Name Change


I don't know how many people check in to the blog here, but you will notice a name change today. And it's my 300th post, to boot.

Reflecting my own modifications of my opinions on health care reform, I felt that "Single Payer Blog" was no longer reflective of the content of the blog nor of my own primary position. My primary concern now is major, transformative health care reform and whether that takes the form of a social health insurance model or a single payer model or a hybrid of some kind, I can deal.

But I think changing the Blog name to "The Health Care Reform Debate Blog" reflects what I am trying to accomplish: Gather together my thoughts and resources that will make for a better informed, more rational debate.

I just got back from a busy week traveling and attending meetings and conferences, I hope to have some good posts up over the next few days, partly based upon my travels.


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