Monday, November 17, 2008

Think Big - Campaign Stops Blog -

Think Big - Campaign Stops Blog -

"1) “Make no little plans. They have no magic to stir men’s blood and probably will not themselves be realized.” So said Daniel Burnham, the architect and urban planner (and fellow Chicagoan).

In health care, big plans are necessary not only to motivate people but as a matter of sound policy. The health care system is broken. It is not enough to just add more people to a broken system. Health care reform must reorganize the system to deliver higher quality care while keeping costs under control. Incremental change that just covers more people will not be sustainable. Reform must include changing the delivery system and how we pay for care. The health care system needs major surgery, not more Band-aids.

More important, as negotiation specialists note, you don’t begin with your compromise position. If we have to settle for incremental Band-aids, it should be only as a last resort."

A nice piece about how tinkering around the edges of healthcare is doomed to failure, and by failure, I mean more of the same in our dysfunctional system.

The companion piece, "Think Small" is typical right wing dreck. "Don't do too much," "Americans are conservative" , "Americans are happy with the current system", the usual stuff - you know, eschewing reality for the conservative echo chamber. The comments, however are anything but an echo chamber. No mercy shown, so well worth reading them!


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