Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Market, insurers will keep premiums low, analysts say

Just how much premiums will change depends on the state you live in, Kingsdale said.
Individual premiums decreased when Massachusetts' health care took effect, he said, because the state already had high-priced and insurers were not allowed to turn away the sick and could not charge large premium differences based on age, gender and health.
"Other states will see exactly the opposite happen," he said. "Their premiums tend to be quite low, but they're getting skimpy insurance."
In Oregon, Ario said, large differences in premium prices have already appeared.
In one case, a 40-year-old non-smoker in Oregon could buy a low-cost or bronze-level plan for $162 a month from one company or the same plan from another for $400 a month, Ario said. Anti-trust laws prevented the insurers from comparing pricing before developing their premiums.
When the companies with the higher rates saw their competitors' lower premiums, he said, they asked the state to allow them to file for reduced premiums.
"The good news is that in most marketplaces, there will be some carriers that will be bold and price competitively to get more market share," Ario said.
Market, insurers will keep premiums low, analysts say

For a quick rundown on what the "gold, silver, and bronze" plans will cover, go here.

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