Monday, June 25, 2012

Small Business Majority | Small Business Owners’ Views on Implementing the Affordable Care Act

Small Business Majority | Small Business Owners’ Views on Implementing the Affordable Care Act

Key findings:
  • Only a third of small business owners want the Supreme Court to overturn the Affordable Care Act; a plurality of 50% would like it upheld, with minor or no changes. This support grows after learning more details about the law’s key provisions:
    Only 34% of small businesses want to see the healthcare law overturned, while 50% want it to remain intact with, at most, minor changes. After learning more about its specifics, only 28% want to see it repealed and a 56% majority want it to be kept, as is or with minor changes. A 55% majority say they want it upheld because we need to make sure everyone has health coverage.

    Figure 1: After learning about the law, support for the Affordable Care Act grows
    There has been a lot of talk about the nation's health care reform law, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Which one of the following statements comes closest to your point of view when it comes to this law.

    Figure 1: Owners agree clean energy investments will boost economy, create jobs

    After everything you read, which one of the following statements comes closest to your point of view when it comes to the nation's healthcare reform law, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

    Figure 1: Owners agree clean energy investments will boost economy, create jobs
  • By an 8:1 margin, entrepreneurs say they’d consider using a state health insurance exchange, and they favorably view many possible features of the exchange:
    A 66% majority of small business owners say they would use their state exchange or at least consider using it, compared to 8% who say they would not consider using it when they provide benefits. By wide margins, entrepreneurs find a host of possible features of the exchange very appealing. By a 2:1 ratio, small business owners support their state applying for federal funds to set one up.

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