Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Obama’s War Against Americans is Relentless. His Primary Attack Force is the EPA. « Conservatives on Fire

Obama’s War Against Americans is Relentless. His Primary Attack Force is the EPA. « Conservatives on Fire:

I'm taking an epidemiology/population health this semester, and we were reviewing the topic of environmental and occupational health. I Googled for the war on the EPA, and found the article linked to here, concerning how liberals and other tree huggers were were trying to ruin the economy and take us into a Communist police state through use of the EPA. Of course, this is not new.

But I was stunned by the absolute ignorance of several of the paragraphs, this one in particular:

Dear readers I would appreciate it very much if you would let me know if in fact you do live longer or if you have fewer non-fatal heart attacks or if you experience fewer sick days after this new rule takes effect. I mean we really should keep these records so we can verify if the EPA’s projections were correct or not. So, again, please let me know how it turns out and I will be happy to compile the record and I’ll report back once I have a statistically significant amount of data.
I don't have to explain to anyone with even the slightest amount of education in math or science how profoundly ignorant this is, and if it were just this one blogger, I'd laugh it off. But scroll through some of the comments if you have a strong stomach. Or Google for yourself and see more. Or look here to see Think Progress analysis of Fox News war on the EPA.

I refuse to believe that these people are as stupid as their statements make them sound. But it is deeply saddening to see how profoundly an ideology - Market Fundamentalism - can shut down critical thinking.

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