Monday, May 16, 2011

Bible: Caring for and serving the poor

Bible: Caring for and serving the poor:

"What does the Bible have to say about helping needy people -- the poor, the homeless, the orphans, and the widows? Are there Bible passages which say we are supposed to have compassion and to be giving to the less fortunate? What biblical foundations are there for service to others?

How to care for the poor? How are we to provide for the hungry? Here are instructions from the Bible. Looking for slogan for a promotion about helping the needy or feeding the poor? Use a phrase from one of these Scripture verses as a slogan. "

A nice collection of Biblical quotations about helping the poor.

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1 comment:

Alex Wong said...

We should do some work for the people which are very poor and can not do their health care. And we can serve our religion by serving those poor’s. And they do not have enough of clothes to wear.