Monday, December 1, 2008

Consensus emerging on universal healthcare - Los Angeles Times

Consensus emerging on universal healthcare - Los Angeles Times:

"Also unresolved is what mechanisms might be created to force individuals or businesses to get insurance, both potentially contentious subjects.

And few have tackled how the government will control costs and set standards of care, proposals that raise the unpopular prospect of federal regulators dictating which doctors Americans can see and what drugs they can take.

'There are some very big questions and some very big stumbling blocks,' said Stuart Butler, vice president for domestic policy at the conservative Heritage Foundation, who has been watching the healthcare debate for three decades.

'Once you get into the details, the consensus is going to vanish pretty quickly, I suspect,' he said.

At the same time, advocates for a single-payer system, including the California Nurses Assn., have vowed to continue pushing the idea next year along with many Democrats on Capitol Hill."

Our work is cut out for us. We must not let anything to be placed "off the table," as single payer was suggested to be elsewhere in this article, without a fight.

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