Sunday, April 20, 2008

Sunday Forum: Medicare for all ("Australian Rules")

Sunday Forum: Medicare for all:

"Some Americans believe that countries like Australia, Canada and nearly all of Europe have 'socialized medicine.' For many, it's a vague concept that often conjures images of uncaring doctors, dirty government clinics, cracked plaster, crowded waiting rooms and really old magazines. And if you don't like it -- well, you can't fight city hall.

But that's just a dark fantasy. Australia has attractive offices and hospitals, great doctors, state-of-the-art care and, most importantly, quick and easy access to high-quality emergency care.

It's not socialized medicine, it's Medicare for all. You are born with it, you die with it and you get all the care you need in-between. Everyone has insurance, all the time."

Dr. Flanders is a psychiatrist in Pittsburgh and does a nice job of contrasting healthcare in the US and Australia. I've written for the Sunday P-G, so I know they really limit the length of your column. I hope this means we can hear more from her in the future.

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