Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Costly 'affordable' health care -- The Washington Times, America's Newspaper

Costly 'affordable' health care -- The Washington Times, America's Newspaper:

"John Stossel is right."

When an editorial starts out like this, and it's from the Rev. Moon's Times, you know it's going to be dead on true, don't you?

Healthcare policy by anecdote- isn't that what Michael Moore is accused of all of the time?

UPDATE: I contacted an ICU director in Brussels regarding this article. His response:

This is simply wrong - and worrisome if published in the Washington Times
(hopefully not the Washington Post)!

As stated, we have here one of the best health care systems in the world.
Much better than socialistic systems like in the UK or in Scandinavia or even
the Netherlands.

Maybe his grandfather became deaf because of an aminoside administration, but
the antibiotic choice was not restricted by costs !

Maybe it is a case of malpractice - I do not know, these can happen anywhere
- but it is not related to a limitation in health care costs.

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