Monday, July 30, 2007

Doctors - Managed Care and Health Insurance - Medicine and Health - Wages and Salaries - New York Times

Doctors - Managed Care and Health Insurance - Medicine and Health - Wages and Salaries - New York Times:

Argues that physician income is a major problem in the US health system crisis, as here:

"Doctors in the United States earn two to three times as much as they do in other industrialized countries. Surveys by medical-practice management groups show that American doctors make an average of $200,000 to $300,000 a year. Primary care doctors and pediatricians make less, between $125,000 and $200,000, but in specialties like radiology, physicians can take home $400,000 or more.
In Europe, however, doctors made $60,000 to $120,000 in 2002, according to a survey sponsored by the British government in 2004."

Interestingly, according to Canadian Statistics, we're not so different.
Click on the link, and the tables reporting what physicians in Canada receive from Canadian Medicare start on page 28. And no, I'm sorry I don't have the data on their overhead, actual take home or hours. If YOU do, send me the link, please!

BTW, I will not argue that there is an unconscionable discrepancy in income among the procedure-based specialties and other physicians in the US.


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