Friday, May 25, 2007

2006 Kaiser/HRET Employer Health Benefits Survey - Kaiser Family Foundation

2006 Kaiser/HRET Employer Health Benefits Survey - Kaiser Family Foundation:
"This annual survey of employers provides a detailed look at trends in employer-sponsored health coverage, including changes in premiums, employee contributions, cost-sharing policies, and other relevant information. This year the survey also documented the prevalence of high-deductible health plans associated with a savings option, including the percentage of employers offering these plan types and the percentage of workers covered by them. "

"The average cost of premiums for single coverage in 2006 is $354 per month or $4,242 per year. This figure includes both the worker and employer contribution. The average cost of premiums for family coverage is $957 per month or $11,480 per year (Exhibit 1.10)."
So, if you have a family and make $57K, your premium, on average is 20% of your Wages! If you're single and earning $42K, you're on easy street, as only 10% of your compensation is healthcare...The new "lucky duckies"?

And check out this table (1.13): watch the numbers left to right and top to bottom. Wow.

  • "As with premium increases, there is also a great deal of variation in premiums across workers and firms: 10% of covered workers work in firms that have single premiums of $250 or less per month, while 22% have single premiums greater than $400 per month (Exhibit 1.13)."

  • Cheers,

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